Meeks Bay project could remove marina for restoration of creek and lagoon
Submitted by paula on Thu, 08/05/2021 - 1:04pm
MEEKS BAY, Calif. - The USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) is planning on removing the marina at Meeks Bay to restore the creek and lagoon to a more natural condition while continuing to support sustainable recreation opportunities.
In the works for over a decade, and after public meetings last held in 2018, the public can once again be involved during the environmental review stage and comment on the planned Meeks Bay Restoration Project here -
The deteriorating condition of the existing marina infrastructure, along with concerns over water quality, aquatic invasive species, and degraded habitat for native species have prompted the need for action in Meeks Bay.
The plan involves moving the Meeks Creek stream channel and wetland/lagoon below SR89 to a more natural condition where geomorphic and hydrologic processes support a functioning ecosystem.
An open town hall page has been set up to log comments on the project HERE and opinions can be logged until the beginning of September.
The following project activities are proposed:
Aquatic Invasive Species Eradication
Remove the existing marina infrastructure
Restore Meeks Lagoon in the location of
the existing marina
Restore Meeks Creek from the SR 89 crossing to the confluence ofLake Tahoe
Install Utility Infrastructure
Implement Resource Protection Barriers
Wildlife Enhancement Actions
Construct a Pier
Construct a Boat Launch
Reconstruct Boat Trailer Parking and Vehicular Circulation Routes
Reconstruct Meeks Bay Campground
Install Pedestrian Connectivity Routes
Install Interpretation Opportunities
Construct Day UseĀ· Parking Areas
Implement Shoreline Stabilization Measures
Install Best Management Practices
In 1960, a marina with approximately 120 boat slips and a boat launch facility was dredged at the mouth of Meeks Creek, on the west shore of Lake Tahoe. The marina eliminated unique wetland habitat for numerous bird, mammal, and amphibian species. The deteriorating condition of the existing marina infrastructure, along with concerns over water quality, aquatic invasive species, and degraded habitat for native species prompted the need for action in Meeks Bay.
USFS and partnering agencies, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, will complete the environmental review this fall, with a final plan released in Spring 2022. Implementation would begin after that stage.
To see more about the project, intractive maps and timelines, visit HERE.