Bread & Broth 4 Kids Cram-A-Fire-Truck with food event

Event Date: 
August 10, 2024 - 10:00am

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Help Bread & Broth 4 Kids on Saturday, August 10 when they hold Cram-A-Fire-Truck from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the South Lake Tahoe Grocery Outlet.

For many years, Bread & Broth 4 Kids has sponsored Cram-A-Cruiser events to supplement the food purchased for the B&B 4 Kids weekend food program. For the upcoming event this weekend, the fire department has donated the use of a fire truck to hold all food donations. They are hoping the community will “cram” the vehicle with nutritious, kid-friendly food items.

St. Theresa’s Bread & Broth 4 Kids fills bags with food each week for school kids to have weekend nourishment, but they need the community's help as the new school year gets underway in just a few weeks.

Stop by, shop for yourself and volunteers will give you a wish list of needed items to shop for the kids, or you can make a monetary donation.

Wish List: canned soup, canned ravioli, canned spaghetti, chili, small cans of chicken and tuna, beef jerky, mac & cheese(small instant cups), instant oatmeal packets, granola bars, fruit snacks, fruit or applesauce cups, raisins (1 oz), nuts, crackers with cheese or peanut butter. All in single-serving packages, please. Peanut butter (16 oz) or jelly - both in plastic containers, or 11 oz. boxes of cereal for longer holiday vacations.

Either way, you are helping Local Kids!

Questions can be directed to Christy at 310-413-6816 or Cheryl at 530-307-3405.

Visit for more information on BB4K and other food services the nonprofit provides in South Lake Tahoe.

Grocery Outlet is located at 2358 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.