COVID-19 case updates for counties around Lake Tahoe

EL DORADO COUNTY, Calif. - This is the weekly wrap up for counties around Lake Tahoe. Monday through Thursday we will be posting South Lake Tahoe and El Dorado County, then weekly stats for everyone else on Fridays.

El Dorado County

There have been 96 new cases of COVID-19 in El Dorado County since yesterday.

The 14-day case rates and number of the population per 100,000 residents are continuing to climb closer to data seen at the height of the pandemic in Winter 2020. It is already higher than last summer. At no time during the winter were all areas of El Dorado County in the red, or high spread, category.

The new cases for El Dorado County:

Pollock Pines, Camino, Kyburz - 593 cases - +3 - The 14-day new case rate is 26 with 192 per 100,000 residents.
El Dorado Hills - 2545 cases - +17 - The 14-day new case rate is 149 with 351 per 100,000 residents.
Diamond Springs, El Dorado - 538 cases - +3 - The 14-day new case rate is 40 with 425 per 100,000 residents.
North County - 557 cases - +3 - The 14-day new case rate is 35 with 242 per 100,000 residents.
Greater Placerville - 2086 cases - +13 - The 14-day new case rate is 108 with 295 per 100,000 residents.
Cameron Park/Shingle Springs/Rescue - 1985 cases - +9 - The 14-day new case rate is 87 with 246 per 100,000 residents.
South County - 154 cases - +2 - The 14-day new case rate is 18 with 173 per 100,000 residents.
Lake Tahoe region - 2997 cases - +42 - The 14-day new case rate is 206 with 681 per 100,000 residents.
+4 awaiting address confirmation, total 111

8 aged 0-17, 60 aged 18-49, 17 aged 50-64, 11 aged 65+; 0 date of birth unknown (total date of birth unknown is 13)

The active case count is 790 - -10. 855 additional negative test results
- 28 assumed recoveries (10,595)

To date, 121 El Dorado County residents have died from COVID-19. There were no new deaths reported today.

There are 14 (-5) hospitalized with 4 (-1) in the ICU. Of these patients, 9 are hospitalized at Marshall, 5 at Barton. Of the ICU patients, 2 are in Barton, 2 at Marshall in Placerville. There are currently two available ICU beds in the county, 2 at Barton Health in South Lake Tahoe, 0 at Marshall.

Barton Hospital is keeping all patients in negative pressure rooms in the ICU at this time, though only counting actual ICU patients in the figures above. They have more negative pressure rooms should they be needed.

Adjusted case rate: 18.0 (+1.8)
Positivity rate: 9.6% (+.7%)
Health equity quartile positivity rate: 11.6% (+.1%)

Vaccine measures:
Cumulative fully vaccinated: 93,760 (48.6%) (+0.1%)
Cumulative with at least one dose: 105,778 (54.8%) (+0.2%)

To view the County's COVID-19 page, visit HERE.

Douglas County and the Quad County Region

For the week of 7/29 - 8/4/2021, Carson City Health and Human Services is reporting 2 deaths, 305 new cases, and 101 additional recoveries of COVID-19 in the Quad-County Region. This brings the total number of cases to 13,798, with 13,047 recoveries and 235 deaths; 516 cases remain active.

Carson City (*Population: 56,546)
-6,818 Total Cases (+78 from 7/28)
-145 Active (+46 from 7/28)
-6,547 Recovered (+31 from 7/28)
-126 Deaths (+1 from 7/28)

Douglas County (*Population: 49,695)
-3,177 Total (+63 from 7/28)
-124 Active (+50 from 7/28)
-3,016 Recovered (+13 from 7/28)
-37 Deaths (+0 from 7/28)

Lyon County (*Population: 57,987)
-3,679 Total (+164 from 7/28)
-246 Active (+106 from 7/28)
-3,364 Recovered (+57 from 7/28)
-69Deaths (+1 from 7/28)

Storey County (*Population: 4,465)
-124 Total (+0 from 7/28)
-1 Active (+0 from 7/28)
-120 Recoveries (+0 from 7/28)
-3 Deaths (+0 from 7/28)

TOTAL (*Population: 168,693)
-13,798 Total Cases (+305 from 7/28)
- 516 Active (+202 from 7/28)
-12,946 Recovered (+101 from 7/28)
-235 Deaths (+2 from 7/28)

*Population information taken from the Nevada Health Response Dashboard found at

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Washoe County

Today they are reporting 222 new daily cases of COVID -19. The current 7- day average is 131 new COVID-19 cases a day in Washoe County. These levels exceed the number of cases at the peak of the July 2020 surge (98.4) and are similar to levels experienced last October 2020 as we were entering the November surge (7 day average of 133 on October 20, 2020, with a peak of 481.4 7 day average of new cases per day on November 26, 2020). As recently as July 1 the 7-day average was only 22.9. Hospitalizations for COVID-19 have doubled over the last week.

The regional risk meter is now at orange, high risk, and is moving toward red, very high risk. The CDC designates Washoe County as high risk for COVID-19 transmission. Residents are urged to take precautions to avoid being infected with COVID-19.

There have been 694 COVID-19-related deaths in Washoe County since March 2020 – 4 of those cases were confirmed to have the Delta variant through sequencing performed by the Nevada State Public Health laboratory, and none of the 4 had received a COVID-19 vaccine.

Additionally, we’re reporting 133 additional COVID-19 Delta variant cases for a total of 435 in Washoe County. Of the 435 Delta cases, 35 were hospitalized and 8 were in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Of the 35 hospitalized cases, only 5 received a COVID-19 vaccine.

Placer County

There have been 26,004 cases of COVID-19 in Placer County. The daily average of new cases is 98 with 307 deaths to date.

There are currently 109 people hospitalized in Placer County with COVID-19, 25 of those are in the ICU. 28 people have been admitted in the last 24 hours.

All areas are in the high-transmission zone of 70 active cases or more per 10,000 residents, except for Truckee who has 53.8 cases per 10,000. Their current 7-day positivity rate is 8.8%.