PG&E closes Blue Lakes campgrounds and day use areas for season due to fire

ALPINE COUNTY, Calif - Pacific Gas & Electric, (PG&E) has decided to close the Blue Lake campgrounds and day use area for the season, starting today, August 18. The Eldorado National Forest (ENF) closed due to the Caldor Fire, and PG&E decided to do the same due to fire danger.

The Blue Lakes Recreation Complex is operated by PG&E and is surrounded by ENF lands. Blue Lakes are part of a cluster of lakes 12 miles south of Highway 88 at Hope Valley that is operated by PG&E and serve as water storage for downstream hydro-electric plants.

In its announcement, the agency said there is too much risk of another fire starting if the public is allowed to use PG&E property as a gateway to Forest Service property. In addition PG&E said they have been seeing declining use of the campgrounds due to the smoke/unhealthy air quality in the area from the Tamarack fire, Caldor fire, and other fires in state.

"The two gates that lead to Lower Blue campground and Middle Creek/Upper Blue campgrounds will be kept closed and locked. PG&E’s local campground mangers will make periodic visits to the recreation complex to ensure the gates remain locked and to remind the public that the campgrounds and day-use areas are closed,” said Mike Farmer, PG&E senior land planner.