Bread & Broth 4 Kids school year weekend food bag program resumes

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - On Friday, September 6, Bread & Broth resumes their B&B 4 Kids School Year Weekend Food Bag program. Weekend food bags are distributed every Friday at all five pre-K through 8th-grade schools in the Lake Tahoe Unified School District (Bijou Community School, Meyers Elementary School, Sierra House Elementary, Tahoe Valley Elementary, and South Tahoe Middle School) along with students enrolled in the McKinney-Vento program at Lake Tahoe High School and Mt. Tallac Continuation High School.

Each food bag contains seven single-serving, kid-friendly meals (two breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners), fresh fruit, and protein-enriched snacks to supplement weekend nourishment. During the 2023-2024 school year, an average of 175 food bags were distributed each week to the pre-K through 8th grade schools; an increase is anticipated for the 2024-2025 school year.

Bread & Broth also provides approximately 90-weekend food bags to local childcare centers serving low-income families each week during the school year through the B&B 4 Tots program. These childcare facilities include Catalyst Community, Head Start, Step by Step Learning Center, Family Resource Center, and Lake Tahoe Community College Child Development Center.

In addition, Bread & Broth 4 Kids will be providing boxes of nutrition bars to each school to distribute to children who come to school hungry or become hungry during the school day. To meet this demand of children needing supplemental food during the school day, over 700 bars will be provided to schools each week through the School Healthy Snack Program. In the past, teachers have paid for these snacks out of personal funds; these donations address this continued need at school sites.

This distribution of healthy snacks and weekend food bags comes after a very successful Summer Food Program where nearly 2,000 food bags were given out over the nine-week summer break from school. In addition to children picking up food at Grace Hall each Wednesday, bags were delivered to the seven childcare centers serving low-income families.

Parents interested in determining eligibility for their child to receive these weekend food bags can contact their child’s school or childcare center office for an application form.

To donate to the B&B 4 Kids Program or to volunteer to help pack and deliver the bags to the schools on Thursday afternoon, visit Bread & Broth’s website at