Kudos: Sierra Sotheby’s International Realty feeds community members

Back in October 2019, Sierra Sotheby’s International Realty sponsored its first Bread & Broth Adopt A Day of Nourishment (AAD) to host a Bread & Broth Monday Meal dinner. Since their initial sponsorship, Sierra Sotheby’s has been hosting 3-4 Monday Meal dinners yearly (except for the COVID shutdown years) and has been sending exceptional Sierra Sotheby’s team members to help at their sponsorship meal.

On August 26, 2024, Sierra Sotheby’s hosted its third Monday Meal of the year, and true to form, another outstanding AAD team was assembled to help the Bread & Broth volunteers. Leading the Sierra Sotheby’s team was Ellen Camacho, who coordinates the AAD sponsorships, and Andrea King, Joe King, and Haily Mitchell made up the rest of the AAD team.

As a leading Reno/Tahoe real estate firm recognized for its quality, expertise, and service, it was no surprise that the Sierra Sotheby’s team did an excellent job helping with the meal setup, serving, and cleanup. The dinner guests were warmly greeted and made to feel welcomed and valued by the Sierra Sotheby team members as they were served a delicious meat load entre along with mashed red potatoes, zucchini with onions, and a garden salad.

Unlike his fellow Sierra Sotheby’s AAD crew members, this was Joe’s first experience volunteering at a Monday Meal dinner. After helping with the meal setup and serving, Joe took a few minutes to share his thoughts about the Monday Meal service. “Great group of dinner guests, cooks, and all the serving volunteers. There was music, healthy eating, and take-home food. It was an enjoyable and rewarding experience seeing babies to the elderly eating together in an upbeat and happy environment.”

Kudos to Sierra Sotheby’s International Realty for their commitment to their realty customers and to those in need of a hot meal and take-home food in our community.

We look forward to the Sierra Sotheby’s hosting their 4th Monday Meal on December 2.

For information on volunteer and donation opportunities, please visit www.breadandbroth.org

- Bread & Broth