Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe's Stephanie Nistler marks 20-year milestone

TRUCKEE, Calif. - Stephanie Nistler, the first employee hired by the Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe (HSTT) in 2004, is now celebrating 20 years of life-saving work as the organization's CEO. Nistler's journey began with just one year of volunteering and fundraising before she was brought on board, marking the start of two decades dedicated to animal welfare in the Truckee-Tahoe area.

Nistler was instrumental in opening Truckee’s first regional animal shelter which created a safe space for pets in need in the community. She also helped facilitate the growth of HSTT’s operations, programs and services in North and South Lake Tahoe. Some impressive stats from her 20 years of leadership and dedication to the cause include:

- More than 8,000 animals were placed in their forever homes

- 5,240-plus at-risk pets transferred from other shelters and adopted through HSTT
- Free Spay-neuter surgeries for more than 4,000 community pets and 5,100 shelter pets

Stephanie was also the leading force in opening the Thrifty Tails Boutique store in 2023, creating a steady revenue source to help continue HSTT programs and services for the community.

“It’s my greatest honor to serve our community in such a meaningful way. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and for all of the people along the way who have supported me and HSTT’s mission, “said Nistler. “There are few things that make me happier than bumping into someone in town and hearing about how thankful they are for our programs and services. I look forward to continuing this important work, as there is still so much to be done.”

Stephanie’s deep passion for animals led her to work at a local animal shelter in college, sparking her love for animal welfare. Starting as an adoption counselor she quickly advanced through roles including volunteer and education director, special events director, and partner development director. Her career spans work with various animal organizations such as No More Homeless Pets in Utah, Best Friends Animal Society, and The Humane Society of Utah.

“Having worked with Steph for more than 16 years, what stands out most is that everything she does, whether in her personal life or at work, is for the betterment of animals,” said Erin Ellis, community engagement director. "The cause runs deep and her mission is clearly to make the world a better place for pets.”

Stephanie’s senior staff have also worked for HSTT for an impressive amount of time, a true testament to her role as a leader. Dale Lawrence, development director, and Erin Ellis, community engagement director, both have been with HSTT for 16 years. Emily Holmes, operation director, has 11 years at the shelter, while Kara Carstensen, outreach manager, just celebrated 10 years with HSTT.