Kudos: Temple Bat Yam hosts Bread & Broth dinner

Hosting a Bread & Broth Monday Meal is a very rewarding experience and according to Temple Bat Yam congregation member, Leo Szumel, it is also a very enjoyable experience. On Monday, September 16, Temple Bat Yam was the Adopt A Day of Nourishment (AAD) sponsor for the dinner event held by Bread & Broth at St. Theresa Church’s Grace Hall. Bread & Broth (B&B) is a ministry of St. Theresa’s church, and its volunteers of all faiths prepare and serve a hot, full-course meal and provide bags of nutritious food to take home for meals later in the week.

In addition to Leo Szumel, members of Temple Bat Yam who volunteered at their sponsorship dinner included Rabbi Evon Yakar, Wendi Shulman, and Penny Springer.

As a warm and inclusive congregation representing Judaism on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe, Temple Bat Yam strives to be a place where members can flourish and grow as Jews and as members of the larger community of South Lake Tahoe.

By sponsoring a B&B Monday Meal, Temple Bat Yam is demonstrating their commitment to serving the community through volunteering which is an important tenant of their congregation and encourages “giving of ourselves.” Taking a few moments from the serving line, Leo also shared that “everyone was happy on both sides of the serving line” and he was looking forward to helping next time Temple Bat Yam sponsored another Monday Meal.

In addition to the Monday Meal, B&B also provides salad, soup, and a simple entree every Friday from 4 to 5 p.m. at the Second Serving meal held at the Lake Community Presbyterian Church. At both meals, all members of the Lake Tahoe South Shore community are welcome and encouraged to enjoy the communal meal.

For information on volunteer and donation opportunities, please visit www.breadandbroth.org

- Bread & Broth