Letter: Measure N is misguided and an egregious violation of private property rights

To The Editor: Some people around town ask why the Realtor Associations are so involved in the "No on N" campaign. At first blush, it might appear the effort is self-serving, and that's the distortion the "Yes on N" proponents are promoting.

But when you dig a little deeper, that allegation could not be further from the truth. If Measure N passes, the Realtor community will benefit greatly.

As vacation homeowners refuse to pay this misguided and unfair tax, or simply cannot afford to add $6,000 per year to their ownership expenses, they may decide the only alternative is to sell. Real estate agents will benefit from more listings, and therefore more sales, leading to more commissions.

If some of the vacation homeowners decide to rent out their properties year-round to avoid the tax (and that's a BIG IF), local property managers will benefit by adding clients (landlords) to their books therefore earning more commissions.

So, why are the Realtor associations fighting this "taxation without representation" (out-of-town homeowners can't even vote on the measure!)? Here's why: One of the central missions and purposes why Realtor associations exist is to PROTECT AND PRESERVE PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS.

Furthermore, it's the law in California by virtue of the statutory property owners' "bundle of rights" quoted here: "A property owner in California enjoys a number of rights collectively known as the “bundle of rights.” These five rights associated with owning real property are: (1) possession; (2) control; (3) exclusion; (4) enjoyment and (5) disposition." Simply put, that's Real Estate 101.

Measure N is an egregious violation of private property rights which guarantee the right of property owners to use and enjoy their private properties as they see fit. Not as "Big Brother" says they should through the imposition of a ridiculous and onerous tax on only one group of homeowners.

The violation of private property rights is just the beginning of the many reasons Measure N is a terrible idea. Local homeowners will bear the same invasion of privacy that vacation homeowners will. Locals will also be required to face annual audits and utility bill examinations to prove they occupy their residences more than 182 days each year. Frankly, how many days each year I occupy my home is no one's business but mine.

This money-grabbing measure which crosses the line towards bureaucratic control over our homeowner's private property rights must be defeated! Vote NO on Measure N.

- Doug Rosner
Proud member of the local, state and national Realtor Associations for over 45 years, and retired adjunct real estate instructor at Lake Tahoe Community College