Traffic through casino corridor to be impacted during Tahoe Events Center construction

Construction starts on the sewer improvement project for Tahoe Events Center on Monday, Sept. 26. The project entails undergrounding overhead utility lines, constructing new sidewalks, and upgrades to existing sewer lines along Uzd-50 in the casino corridor.

Work will impact travel through the Stateline casino corridor and US-50 thru-traffic should use alternate routes during the work hours of Monday through Thursday from 5 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Highway message boards will display suggested routes.

Lefthand turns are prohibited during construction hours. Vehicles traveling west through the casino core will not be allowed to turn left into the Laub Building/Harrah’s parking lots and vehicles traveling east on Hwy 50 will not be allowed to turn left into Harveys’ entrance.

The construction affecting traffic should last through October 15.

Sept. 26 – Oct. 13: Expect both eastbound U.S. 50 lanes (#1 and #2 lanes) and the center turn lane to be closed, Monday thru Thursday from 5 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Traffic will be redirected east via the #1 westbound lane through the casino core. Traffic control will begin in California (near Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel) and extend to Friday Station (the big white house to the east of Bally's Tahoe). Access to the Laub Building and Harrah’s entrance on US-50 will be closed intermittently. Business access will be provided via the Bally’s alleyway or Lake Parkway. No left-hand turns in the construction zone will be allowed.

Oct. 3 – Oct. 15: Expect partial closure of the northeast bound US-50 lane closest to the curb (#2 lane) and full closure of the southwest bound US-50 lane closest to the curb (#2 lane), Monday thru Thursday from 5 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastbound traffic control will begin at Bally’s alleyway and extend to Friday Station. Westbound traffic control will begin at Hard Rock and extend to the Harveys’ entry.

Oct. 3 – Oct. 15: Expect full closure of the eastbound lane on Lake Parkway between the US-50/Lake Parkway intersection and the Bally’s driveway on Lake Parkway.