City Council agenda: parking garage, zero traffic death policy, Motel 6 and pay raise

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Tuesday evening's meeting of the South Lake Tahoe City Council will start off with the naming of a new mayor pro-tem after the resignation of John Friedrich, and to divide up the committees he was part of among the other four councilmembers. A new person will be appointed to fill the seat in October but that term will be just two months until the newly elected candidates will take the dias.

Before the regular agenda, the council will hear a presentation from South Tahoe Refuse on the roll-out of the three-cart colored trash system

The agenda:

Bellamy Parking Garage Upgrade Project - The council will award a bid for the second phase of upgrades for the garage. The project went out to bid and the lowest was $319,040.27, and staff recommends that be accepted.

Establishing a Vision Zero Policy toward zero traffic deaths and severe injuries by 2035. Vote to accept a grant from Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program that will help develop the policy to improve roadway safety and significantly reduce or eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries through the development and implementation of a safety action plan serving the needs of all roadway users including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation passengers, motorists, personal conveyance, micro-mobility users and commercial vehicle operators. Funding for the implementation of plans would come from other sources.

Vote on applying for up to $3,000,000 in a Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO HOUSING) Grant Application.

A Memorandum of Understanding to memorialize a cooperative relationship between the City and California Tahoe Conservancy and establish joint strategies as they pertain to the demolition and restoration of the Motel 6 property and other parcels within the City that the CTC may acquire in the future. The MOU includes terms regarding property maintenance standards, the timing of demolition, potential use of the Motel 6 buildings for public
safety training before demolition, potential use of Tahoe Regional Planning Agency development rights on the property for projects within the City that will have an economic or environmental benefit with a preference for affordable housing, and collaboration on restoration and future public access to and recreation on the site. The term of the MOU is for ten years.

A contract with California Skateparks for $435,700 for Bijou Park Skatepark Renovation.

Vote on an amendment for Pioneer Trail Pedestrian Improvement Phase II.

The Council will also vote on a pay raise for themselves. Their current compensation is $1,264.86, per month. If the suggested increase is approved, the City Council salary would be $1,394.49 beginning on January 23, 2025.

The meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. in the council chambers at the Lake Tahoe Airport. It can also be viewed online. For participation instructions and the full agenda, visit HERE.