Letter: Brooke Laine has the decorum, diplomacy, and protocols to find common ground

I am writing to endorse Brooke Laine for Supervisor. I care deeply about our community and look to what can be done in the next term that really affects our residents. It is why I ran for office in the primary. I now look to the effectiveness of who will be our next Supervisor.

The office of Supervisor is an important executive role and oversees most county departments and programs; annually approves their budgets; supervises the official conduct of county officers and employees; controls all county property; and appropriates and spends money on programs that meet our needs.

Brooke was born and raised here in Tahoe. She has an education in finance from UC Santa Cruz and 10 years of experience in local government that is desperately needed to navigate the office of Supervisor. She has the diplomacy to negotiate, decorum for public meetings, and the proper protocols needed to find common ground. She listens intently to differing opinions and will be a voice for common sense in governance.

Please join me in voting for Brooke Laine as Supervisor on November 8th.

Jeffrey Spencer
Christmas Valley