Letter: Why I endorse Measure U

I endorse Measure U as a local business owner of Mind/Body Fitness, a member of Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe, and the LTUSD Facilities Planning Advisory Committee. I have no children in the local public schools but believe voting YES to fund aging classrooms and facilities is an investment in the overall health of our community and a moral imperative to protect children. Complaining does not create change. Progress needs action and financial support.

When started serving on the Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FPAC) I was surprised to learn that State money does not fund facility or classroom upgrades. The current dilapidated conditions are not the result of mismanagement, but rather the way the system works. The only way we can help our teachers and students receive the school improvements they deserve is through a bond measure and voting YES on Measure U.

A YES vote can have additional benefits. As a member of Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe, I am working on the club’s major philanthropic project to renovate the softball field at the South Tahoe Middle School for Title IX compliance. The process of navigating State building requirements from the Division of State Architect (DSA) can be complex and expensive. To get DSA to approve the dugout plans, it was necessary to include complete repair to the adjacent parking lot with current accessibility and drainage codes, which escalated costs beyond the budget. If Measure U passes, SISLT can build the dugouts and Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) can fund the renovated ADA-accessible safer parking drop-off area.

As a substantial bonus, LTUSD can seek additional funding from the State for SISLT’s already DSA-approved project since it provides local matching contributions. The softball field is used by middle school physical education classes, high school varsity and junior varsity softball teams, High Sierra Softball, USA club and adult softball as well as Little League and soccer tournaments. LTUSD facility improvements won’t just benefit students, they will also benefit our wider community as many people use LTUSD facilities for recreation and events.

If you have any concerns as to the management of Measure U bond funds, take action and volunteer for the citizens’ oversight committee. When I volunteered to serve on the FPAC, I got an education about how our local school district works and the satisfaction of contributing to change.

- Rose Marie Ottman