No applications received for open LTUSD trustee spot - deadline is Friday

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - There is a vacancy on the Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) Board of Education for Area #2 since no candidates filed to run for the November 8 election. Per the Education Code, LTUSD must publicly announce the vacancy for the four-year term that will run from December 2022 to December 11, 2026. They asked for candidates to file on September 12, but, as of Monday, there were no applications turned in.

Area 2 is defined in the yellow area in the photo above.

Applications can be found here: or on the District’s website at under District - Public Notices or by calling the Lake Tahoe Unified School District Education Center at (530) 541-2850 ext. 0.

Candidate applications are due by Friday, October 7, 2022, at 5:00 p.m.


Pursuant to Education Code section 35107, subdivision (a), any person who is 18 years of age or older, a citizen of the state, a resident of the school district, a registered voter, and who is not disqualified by the Constitution or laws of the state from holding office, is eligible to be appointed a member of the governing board. Eligible applicants must be currently registered to vote in Trustee Area #2 of which the boundary area maps can be found at under District - Board of Education - Trustee Area Maps.

The Board of Education will interview prospective candidates at a public meeting on October 13, 2022, accept oral or written public input at that time, and select the provisional appointee by a majority vote