Bread & Broth 4 Kids holding Cram-a-Hearse to gather food for kids' program

Event Date: 
October 28, 2023 - 10:00am

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - St. Theresa's Bread & Broth 4 Kids (BB4K) program is holding a Cram-A-Hearse on Saturday, October 28 at Grocery Outlet in South Lake Tahoe from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Help fill a real hearse with food for local kids in need.

BB4k fills about 160 backpacks full of food every weekend for local school children including three dinners, two lunches, two breakfasts, and snacks.

Grocery Outlet is located at 2358 Lake Tahoe Bl., South Lake Tahoe.

Stop by, and shop for yourself & BB4K volunteers outside will give you a wish list of items needed for the kids' weekly food bags. Or, monetary
donations will also be accepted.

Bring your Kids in costume and get some Halloween treats!