Letter: There are big differences in candidates for Tahoe Township Justice of the Peace

Dear Editor; Our community deserves a judge with applicable legal and courtroom experience to ensure its safety, as well as the rights of litigants and crime victims.

In 2023, I and two other applicants, including my current election opponent, provided detailed applications and lengthy public interviews with the Douglas County Commissioners to be appointed Tahoe Township Justice of the Peace. The Commissioners unanimously selected me as the most qualified applicant.

Before that, I was a judge pro tem of the Tahoe Justice Court for approximately 18 years and a full-time attorney who regularly appeared in that court for 26 years. I have handled approximately 100 trials as an attorney or judge. It takes years of trial and related court experience to become proficient as a judge. I am unaware of my opponent ever handling a trial in a professional legal capacity.

I am an active member of a Nevada judges' organization (NJLJ) and have authored an analysis of legal authority titled "Crime Victim Restitution" intended to be included in the NJLJ Benchbook for use by judges throughout Nevada. I have taken judicial training through the National Judicial College, Nevada Supreme Court Administrative Office, and NJLJ.
I have always sought input from crime victims with regard to bail conditions, sentencing, and restitution. I regularly set bail hearings, including on Sundays, to reconcile the Nevada statutory requirement that in-custody defendants have their bail reviewed within 48 hours of arrest with the need to set bail in a manner that ensures protection of the community. I have never been reversed on appeal.

Some professionals endorsing me include (see https://www.tahoejudge.com/endorsements/ for list):

- Douglas County Sheriff's Protective Association (the group representing more than 100 Douglas County Sheriff's deputies and sergeants)

- Mark B. Jackson (solely in a private capacity, not as an official endorsement from Douglas County District Attorney's Office or Douglas County)        

- Several former Douglas County deputy district attorneys, defense attorneys, civil attorneys, and courtroom bailiffs

- Judge Michael McLaughlin

- Nevada Police Union

Please vote to retain me in this election.

- Michael Johnson
Tahoe Township Justice of the Peace