Letter: Support Our Schools and Our Children

I urge you to vote for Measure U - let’s collectively uplift the children of our community. Measure U is a bond that will provide much-needed funds for the Lake Tahoe Unified School District to repair and maintain its facilities. Two years ago the community almost passed a bond, but it lost by a slim margin. We need your vote again and we need you to encourage your neighbors to vote as well. This time around, we have made a bigger effort to communicate the needs to our community. Please review the information at https://yesonmeasureulaketahoeschools.com/ or contact me, Jude Wood at Lake Tahoe Boys and Girls Club or the District Superintendent Dr. Todd Cutler.

Student success increases when students feel valued. When schools are attractive and well-maintained with up-to-date classroom environments, students want to come to school and teachers enjoy teaching.

Why trust the Lake Tahoe Unified School District (District) with your hard-earned funds? The District has prepared a detailed facility master plan that identifies the highest priorities for maintenance and repairs, many which will improve heating and cooling efficiencies that will save the District money over the long term. Health and safety considerations are a high priority with projects to repair deteriorating pavement and sidewalks and make school entrances safer. The Bond requires the involvement of a community oversight committee and the state of California requires audits.

Some have argued the property tax assessment is not cheap at $35 per $100,000 assessed property value and the overall price tag is outrageous. Cost estimates were prepared as part of the Facility Master Plan. The cost of maintenance, repairs, and construction continues to increase. Every year work that is not completed will require increased funding to complete. Delaying the passage of a bond will only necessitate even more funding to complete the needed projects and delays in maintenance will likely cause more damage requiring even more funds. Many property owners in our community have less than $500,000 assessed property value and will pay less than $15 per month.

I have served for four years as a Trustee on the District’s Board and I have seen good decisions made regarding the use of existing small amounts of annual maintenance funds to go to the highest needs, such as improved heating controls, insulation, and bathroom upgrades.

Please join us in Uplifting Our Students, Vote YES on Measure U!

- Lauri Kemper, P.E.
South Lake Tahoe resident for over 39 years