Letter: Let's show the world how freedom works

Dear Editor. One way to keep America great is by exercising our Constitutional freedoms. When we exercise our freedoms, we are showing the world how free America is.

If a group of us are standing on a corner with signs saying “Outlaw Glazed Donuts,” then we are showing the world that Americans are free. Greatness is defined as possessing qualities like courage, compassion, wisdom, and morality. As Americans, we inspire and uplift others, and have a positive effect on the world.

The morality part of greatness was emphasized by our forefathers when they wrote, “One Nation Under God." This means God is at the top of our Chain of Command. God is the one who sets our values; the values we created are second. God says we are not to judge others.

People who judge others feel entitled to define what is “right” or “wrong” for others, and that their opinion is the only one opinion that matters. For example, Putin has entitled himself to kill women and children.

So let’s grab our signs and flags, stand on the corners, and show the world how freedom works.

- Ernie Claudio