Kudos: Bread & Broth thanks Overland Meat & Seafood Company for hosting Monday meal

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - St. Theresa’s Bread & Broth (B&B) Monday Meal has seen an increase in the number of community members wanting to enjoy a delicious and filling meal. With the increase in guests, volunteers are now adding tables and chairs to the Grace Hall dining room to accommodate everyone. The dinner guests also enjoy the ‘food to go’ bags filled with fresh fruit and vegetables, and an assortment of meats, canned goods, bread and pastries, and varied food products depending on the generous donations of local businesses.

At the October 14 B&B Monday Meal, Victor Gomez, and his wife Marimar Perez-Banuet, co-owners of the very popular Overland Meat & Seafood Company, were the Adopt A Day of Nourishment (AAD) sponsors that helped provide the evening meal for the community attendees. Joining the couple were Francisco Santana, a butcher at Overland Meat Company, and Jennifer Santana. The Overland Company AAD volunteer crew was exceptional, and their help was very much appreciated by the B&B volunteer crew members.

“We are grateful to help out and be a part of the community and thank you for letting us take part and experience the opportunity to bond with our local community members and be able to fill hearts and stomachs,” shared Victor after having helped serve over 100 meals that evening.

Victor and his fellow AAD volunteer crew members filled the dinner trays from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. after helping with the meal’s setup starting at 3 p.m. The Overland Meat & Seafood Company volunteers finished their sponsorship by helping with the meals takedown and cleanup, leaving at 6 p.m. tired but very happy with their experience of feeding those in need.

B&B would like to thank Overland Meat & Seafood Company not only for sponsoring the evening’s dinner but for their extremely generous donations of turkey, chicken, and meat products which are used by B&B cooks to prepare wonderful dinners for the Monday Meal and Second Serving (Friday meals at the Lake Tahoe Presbyterian Church) dinner guests.

For information on volunteer and donation opportunities, please visit www.breadandbroth.org

- Bread & Broth