Letter: Candidate thanks those who have supported him, looks forward to representing them

Dear Editor, I want to thank the many citizens for reaching out to me with your support, opinions, and ideas. I have taken it all to heart and win, lose, or draw I feel grateful for becoming so immersed in our local leadership.

As one of the very first two candidates to recognize Measure N as too divisive, poorly written, and unnecessary given the almost 600 housing apartments being proposed and Sugar Pine Village's grand opening with folks moving in as I write this, my hope is that a kind respectful, thoughtful, city council will be in place as a result of this election.

Of course, I hope to be one of those people. That is why I and the great folks who have supported me have worked so hard every day to let you know who I am and how I can help bring extensive business sense, knowledge of how things work, civility, and common sense to the position. I understand that once elected I would represent every citizen, not just those who voted for me. Since I also speak Spanish, I intend to reach out to our underrepresented citizens to help grow new leaders and include their ideas. I will listen to every idea and use common sense and fairness as my guide.

Once elected, my focus will be improving our public transportation and bike paths; improving road quality and snow removal; continuing Fire Safety and Police efforts, and growing our city to protect our Lake, our Residents, and our Businesses.

Keith Roberts,
Candidate for City Counci

Please go to my website at keithrobertsforslt.com