Update on the new Keep Tahoe Blue Environment and Education Center

You may have noticed that the scene at our new Keep Tahoe Blue Environment & Education Center—located at the corner of Highway 50 and Al Tahoe Boulevard—looks a little different lately. Here's a short video update about what's new and what's next.

https://www.keeptahoeblue.org/buildingupdate & https://www.keeptahoeblue.org/actualizaciondeledificio

The League to Save Lake Tahoe’s new headquarters still needs some finishing touches before we can swing open the doors and welcome you in. There will be more activity in the coming months as our local construction team finishes renovations that are transforming this 40-year-old office building into a hub for Tahoe environmental education and engagement.

Our team sends a massive thank you to our local partners, new neighbors, our donors, and this community whose support has allowed us to bring this project to life. We can’t wait to share it with you in 2025!

Together, we Keep Tahoe Blue.