Kiwanis of Lake Tahoe holding Sock Drive in November and December - several drop off locations
Submitted by paula on Wed, 11/10/2021 - 9:26pm
City of South Lake Tahoe - Inside the Recreation Center - 1180 Rufus Allen Blvd.
Catalyst Communities - 1029 Takela Dr # 1
The El Dorado County library in South Lake Tahoe - 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd.
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The Kiwanis Club of Lake Tahoe is holding a new Sock Drive through the end of the year in South Lake Tahoe.
People can drop off the new socks during business hours at the following locations:
Lake Tahoe Community College - in the lobby and gym - 1 College Dr.
City of South Lake Tahoe - Inside the Recreation Center - 1180 Rufus Allen Blvd.
Catalyst Communities - 1029 Takela Dr # 1
The El Dorado County library in South Lake Tahoe - 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd.