Early-bird discount for Lake Tahoe Marathon ends Sunday
Submitted by paula on Wed, 12/27/2023 - 1:20pm
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - As organizers are on Maui preparing for the 16th annual Maui Oceanfront Marathon in January, they are offering participants in the Lake Tahoe Marathon a 20 percent early-bird discount through New Year's Eve.
The 29th annual Lake Tahoe Marathon will be held October 18 - 20, 2024.
Races include Nevada Half, Carnelian Bay Half, and Emerald Bay Half (the Tahoe Trifecta), Lakeside Marathon, Cal Neva Marathon, Lake Tahoe Marathon (the Tahoe Triple), 4-Person Marathon Relay, Tahoe Double Marathon, Super Hero 5K, Edgewood 10K, 72M-Ultra Midnight Express, 72M-Ultra 4-person Relay, and the Kids Pumpkin Runs.
To register, visit HERE.
Firefighters are being honored in 2024 and they will receive any Marathon, Half Marathon, or 72M race for $70. This special price is not available with any other discounts and is available for a limited time. Each year a different group is honored with the discount, and in 2023 it was full-time teachers with the prior year uniformed police officers.
For more on the marathon, visit https://www.laketahoemarathon.com/.