school gardens

Free Soup Night to highlight local produce use at schools and restaurants

Event Date: 
April 19, 2018 - 5:30pm

UCCE Master Gardeners of Lake Tahoe will be holding an evening of not only culinary fun, but one with free food as they bring together the community, local produce, food and gardening.

On Thursday, April 19, the Soup Night will be held at South Lake Brewing from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Soup will be prepared by South Tahoe High School Culinary Arts Program and the bread will be prepared by Lake Tahoe Community College Culinary Arts Program.

LTUSD adopts Healthy and Environmentally Sound Schools resolution

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board of Trustees unanimously adopted a “Healthy and Environmentally Sound Schools” resolution at its October 10 meeting. This supports expanded energy efficiency programs, and alignment with the City of South Lake Tahoe’s recent commitment to get 100 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources.

Become a Master Gardener in Lake Tahoe

Are you passionate about gardening in Lake Tahoe and would you like to share your knowledge? Like to get your hands dirty> Become a Master Gardener through the University of California Cooperative Education training series in South Lake Tahoe.

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