undocumented immigrants

Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe awards 19 scholarships

Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe (SISLT) awarded scholarships to a group of local students from South Tahoe High, George Whittell High, the Lake Tahoe Basin Fire Academy and Lake Tahoe Community College. The club, serving the community since 1959, has given out over one-million dollars to local graduates over the years.

Large numbers applying for California Driver's Licenses under AB60

California is experiencing just what Nevada and states who have issued first time driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants, long lines and large numbers of applicants. In the first month, over 236,000 people have applied statewide under AB60.

California AB60allows for the immigrants to apply for a license even though they don't have the normally required identification.

For California Gov. Brown, Busy Final Weekend of Bill Actions

California Governor Jerry Brown cleared a mountain of legislation off his desk over the weekend ahead of a midnight Sunday deadline. Here are some of the highlights of the bills he signed and vetoed.

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