South Lake Tahoe bike trails to receive snow removal in pilot program

Due to a lack of snow in South Lake Tahoe, the new bike path snow removal policy has yet to be put into action.

While snow plows are deployed when three inches of snow accumulates on roadways, there was never a policy to determine when snow would be removed on bike trails.

This winter the City has launched a pilot program to include snow removal on Class 1 bike paths as a secondary feature, after roads and City buildings, during a significant snow event.

In an effort to provide connectivity during the 2014/15 fiscal year, residual funding from Measure R and S is available to contract snow removal services by Alpine Smith on the following Class 1 bike paths:

· Both sides of Ski Run Blvd.
· Eloise Ave. to Ponderosa St. (behind Motel 6)
· Harrison Avenue bike path to Lakeview Commons
· Rubicon Trail to Tallac (behind Meek’s Hardware)
· Silver Dollar to Sussex Ave. (behind Fitness Evolution / the former Push Fitness)

City staff will provide snow removal to the following Class 1 bike paths during a significant snow event when three inches of snow has fallen and after all roadways and City owned buildings and facilities have been cleared of snow.

· Al Tahoe Blvd.
· Campground by the Lake
· Lakeview Commons to Alta Mira
· Lyons Avenue
· Rufus Allen Blvd.
· Ski Run Blvd. to Linear Park

As a pilot program, the cost of providing these services will be evaluated and City staff and City staff will determine if this is a cost feasible program that can be support in future fiscal years.