One Degree of Change community conversations to be held South Lake Tahoe

Event Date: 
February 22, 2018 - 6:30pm

A one degree change in the earth's average temperature can cause a sheet of ice of in Greenland to melt and raise the ocean level enough to put low lying land in Florida under water.

It takes only a one degree change in temperature to convert water to steam, water to ice, or water to snow.

It can take a shift of one degree to change your life.

One degree is so small, yet so powerful.

Imagine the individuals of a community making a one degree change at the same time, with the same focus. Imagine what a massive difference could be made to our lives and to the communities of Lake Tahoe with that common vision.

We live in an instant gratification society and want results now, when in fact a number of small changes done day in day out will make a massive difference to our lives.

Author Jeff Olson explains this concept in his book, The Slight Edge. In this book he describes a water-lily on a pond. On day one the water-lily covers just tiny portion of the pond, but on day two the waterlily doubles and then on day three doubles again, and again and again. Eventually after 30 days the entire pond is covered by water lilies. At the outset you would never have thought that was possible and yet repetition of this tiny change magnifies itself disproportionately resulting in amazing results.

The El Dorado Community Foundation is taking the momentum experienced by the attendees at the 2017 TedX Tahoe talk and creating One Degree of Change, a new series of community conversations centered around the local opportunities to elevate the South Lake Tahoe area.

Over three nights in 2018, One Degree of Change speakers will not only spend about 20 minutes sharing a visions, but the conversation will begin with questions and answers and community collaboration.

"We'll all come back on the fourth night to build a collaborative approach of the vision," said Bill Roby, Executive Director of the El Dorado Community Foundation. "This is not an end all and it will be ongoing conversation."

What is unique about the new series of community engagement opportunities is the fact that Roby will find ways to help fund the desired outcome. "This is not just talk," said Roby.

Presenters will include:

February 22 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Bill Roby, Executive Director, El Dorado Community Foundation
Chris McNamara, Owner SuperTopo, OutdoorGearLab and Rent South Lake
Darcie Goodman Collins, Ph.D, Executive Director, League to Save South Lake Tahoe

May 17 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Wendy David, Mayor, City of South Lake Tahoe
David Orr, Co-Founder & Business Development Officer, Tahoe Mountain Lab

September 20 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Heidi Hill Drum, CEO, Tahoe Prosperity Center
Jamie Orr, Ph.D, Co-Founder Tahoe Mountain Lab
Devin Middlebrook, Executive Director, Tahoe Regional Young Professionals

November 15 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
All Presenters reconvene for series wrap-up

This is crafted to not only have each night different, but every speaker each night is different," added Roby. "We really want the community to participate."

Each evening is free and registration is available on line HERE. Each night in the series will be held at Lake Tahoe Community College.