Kudos: Tip-a-Cop in Douglas County raises funds for Special Olympics

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office (DCSO) and the Special Olympics athletes wish to thank the community for their overwhelming generosity and support at the Tip-A-Cop event at Chili’s which was held on Thursday, April 27, 2017. During this event $2,726 was raised, the largest total the County has ever earned toward this worthy cause.

"Tip-A-Cop would not have been a success without the continued commitment to our community partnership with Chili’s, Special Olympics and the various personnel of Douglas County Judicial Courts, Sheriff’s Explorers, Citizen Patrol, and the deputies and employees of the Sheriff’s Office," said DCSO Sgt. Bernadette Smith in a press release.

Those who worked Tip-A-Cop completed their normal 8-10 hour work day and then volunteered, greeting the customers, serving food and beverages as well as cleaning n up.

"Tip-A-Cop thanks everyone involved, including the customers who stopped by to eat," said Smith.