Las Vegas Little League team national champs after Chicago team disqualified

A Little League team that captured the attention of the nation and the hearts of its hometown was stripped of its national title Wednesday after an investigation revealed that team officials had falsified boundaries so they could add ineligible players to the roster.

Only last summer, the all-black Jackie Robinson West team was the toast of Chicago and was honored with trips to San Francisco and to the White House.

But the sport's governing body, Little League International, announced that team officials had changed the boundaries that determine where players must live. And after learning that their scheme had been exposed, they scrambled to convince surrounding leagues to go along with what they had done.

"This is so heartbreaking," said Stephen D. Keener, the Little League International president and CEO. "It is a sad day for a bunch of kids who we have come to really like ... who did nothing wrong." But "we cannot tolerate the actions of some of the adults involved here."

The organization suspended the manager, Darold Butler, and suspended the team from Little League tournament play until the local league's president and treasurer have been replaced. A district official who is believed to have helped change the boundaries was also removed.

All of the team's victories were thrown out, meaning that the wins will be awarded to other teams. Mountain Ridge Little League, the team from Las Vegas that lost to Jackie Robinson West in the national championship game will be awarded the title.

Parents were angered by the news, saying their children were being unfairly punished.

"The boys had no inside dealings ... about any borders, and I as a mother had no idea there were any (questions about) boundaries," said Venisa Green, who was driving her son, Brandon, to school Wednesday when they were "blindsided" by the news as it came over the radio.

"We weren't involved in anything that could have caused us to be stripped of our championship," said Brandon, appearing at a news conference with his mother.

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