Five car collision in South Lake Tahoe

South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue (SLTFR) responded to a five car collision Sunday, February 26 on Pioneer Trail near Woodbine Road at 9:00 a.m.

One car was stopped, attempting to make a turn onto Woodbine from Pioneer trail when an oncoming driver behind them hit their brakes, couldn't stop on the icy road and went over the guardrail.

As other drivers came upon the accident, they too crashed. The final car involved was looking at the car over the guardrail and didn't see the crash in front of her, swerved, hit the guardrail and slipped.

This stretch of road tends to be icy since there is water runoff from the hill and it is shaded much of the day. Signs in the area warn drivers of the icy curve.

Three of the cars were able to be driven away from the scene, two were towed. There were no injuries.

"SLTFR advises residents and visitors to slow down," the fire department said on their facebook page. They respond to several crashes annually in the stretch between Ski Run Blvd., and Price Road.