South Tahoe Middle School: What's your 17?

South Tahoe Middle School students participated in the nationwide movement to support school safety on March 14 for 17 minutes from 10:00 a.m. to 10:17 a.m.

Since school officials did not want students walking off campus they had a school wide activity called, "What's Your 17?" Students who wanted to participate in the walkout could by going to the school's multi-purpose room or Timberwolf Plaza.

#What’s your 17?

In recognition of the one-month anniversary of the school tragedy in Parkland,
Florida and the desire to #neveragain see this happen, an activity was created to encourage students to use the 17 minutes to further build a strong, positive campus climate by identifying and pledging thoughtful actions of kindness toward their peers and classmates.

"A positive campus climate is shown to decrease incidents of bullying and violence, increase student participation, safety and academic achievement," said the school on their event announcement.