Recall effort against Sue Novasel and Brian Veerkamp fails

EL Dorado County Total Recall, the group behind the recall of all five County Supervisors, failed to turn in any of the signatures needed to bring the recall of Supervisors Sue Novasel and Brian Veerkamp to the voters in November.

Signatures from 20 percent of the registered voters who wanted to see Novasel and Veerkamp recalled were due on March 29, 2016. Linda Webster, the Assistant Registrar of Voters for the county, told South Tahoe Now that she didn't receive anything from the recall group by the deadline.

The required signatures for the recall of Ron Mikulaco and Shiva Frentzen are due on March 31, and Michael Ranalli on April 12.

"I'm happy its over," said Novasel. "It is nice I am now able to get back to doing things for the community without this hanging over my head."

Novasel represents the county's District 5 which covers South Lake Tahoe, Meyers, Tahoma and Pollock Pines. Veerkamp's District 3 is in the middle of the county and covers the City of Placerville.

"The majority of the people think I’m doing a good job," added Novasel. "We just need to keep going forward and I think we're going in the right direction."

A separate group, Neighbors Against Corruption out of Shingle Springs, is trying to Auditor-Controller Joe Harn and District Attorney Vern Pierson. Twenty percent of the county's registered voters must sign those recall forms by May 22.