South Tahoe High's 'Idiot's Delight' Sure to Delight Audiences

Event Date: 
Repeats every day until Fri May 23 2014 .
May 22, 2014 - 7:00pm
May 23, 2014 - 7:00pm

How often do you get to see a Pulitzer Prize winning play in South Lake Tahoe? Most likely, not often, but here is a great chance to see the 1936 winning play, Idiot's Delight by Robert Sherwood.

An assortment of travelers are stranded at the Hotel Monte Gabriele on the precipice of World War II. The hotel essentially sits atop a military base at the border of Italy, Switzerland and Austria. Antics ensue because the collection of travelers include a pair of honeymooners, a man named Harry who directs a traveling act featuring six blond dancers and a very oddly matched couple of unknown origin.

Sherwood's play was written three years before WWII started, yet "it is so fascinating that he was so right on about how the war started," said STHS play director Liz "Niv" Nivens. It's about people that don't want to give up on life or possibilities just because a war was started."

"People who attend the play can expect everything from beautiful language to a mix of drama and comedic drama, music and a bit of a history lesson," according to Niv. "We watch as the characters develop tentative friendships and overnight the alliances change and these friends become enemies. Mix with this a few musical numbers with a bunch of ditzy blondes and a little romance and you have a very entertaining evening."

The critics refer to this play as a "dramedy" (drama/comedy).

There are 27 students in the play. They include three students who chose to complete their senior project in TADA (Tahoe Arts and Design Academy). These students, Jacob Melvoin, Kora Link and Rosie Niebauer, had to complete at least 50 hours in the TADA program instead of the normal 15 hours required for senior projects. Niven said they've actually put in about 120 hours in preparation for Idiot's Delight. while Link and Melvoin are actors, Niebauer worked on costumes and props.

Link is a veteran of STHS and Brewery Arts Center plays, having roles in 14 of them. "My favorite part of this play is the epic ending," she said. The senior is headed to Lewis & Clark College where she'll major in Theater.

Another veteran on the stage is Jack Suglian. Idiot's Delight will be his 8th STHS play (you may remember him as Igor in Young Frankenstein earlier this year). He is headed off to Chico State in the fall, majoring in Liberal Studies and minoring in Theater. He plans a teaching career.

Suglian plays Mr. Cherry in the play, who is on his honeymoon with the new Mrs. Cherry, played by junior Bailey Anderson. "She brings light to the show," said Anderson of her character. "We're happy and in love and don't believe the war will happen."

"It's always fun working with Niv and there have been so many great memories," Suglian said of his STHS career. This is my favorite play and working with Bailey has been a pleasure."

There are five opportunities to see Idiot's Delight at the South Tahoe High School theater, located in the TADA Building.

Performance times are this Friday & Saturday, May 16 and 17 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, May 18 at 2 p.m. Next week's shows are Thursday and Friday, May 22 and 23 at 7 p.m

Tickets may be purchased at the door and are $10.00 for General admission and $5.00 for Students 18 and under.