New bear cub brought to Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care

Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care has taken in a new bear cub, reports Tom Millham, founder. The cub came from the Humboldt area in northwest California, "because its mom was found dead." The cub was transported by LTWC Volunteer Linda McKenzie and her husband, Lonny.

Millham reports the cub is a healthy male, weighing 9.8 pounds. In the second photo, (scroll and click) Dr Kevin Willitts, immediate past president of LTWC and owner of Alpine Animal Hospital, is giving the cub an exam. During this exam, Dr Willitts will draw blood, check its ears and all extremeties. When the cub awoke from the anesthesia, he was treated to watermelon, grapes and bear milk, a very special formula for bears. On Tuesday, the cub will be placed in a temporary cage until he graduates to the BEAR cage, a little later in the summer, hopefully, with a few other cubs. More than likely, this cub (blue ear tag #242) will be released back to the Humboldt area, next January or February.
Meanwhile, Millham reports that its webcam is operational and there are three bobcat kittens that Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care received last week. Go here for the webcam.