Douglas County Citizen Patrol welcomes 35 new volunteers

Sheriff Ron Pierini issued a pledge of service to the 35 new members of the Douglas County Citizen Patrol on June 15.

The volunteers are now able to assist the sheriff’s office by conducting vacation checks on residences, marking and towing abandoned vehicles on public streets, enforcing handicapped parking, writing minor reports such as lost wallets or cell phones, conduct VIN checks, and work special events such as traffic contol to Carson Valley Days, Fishing Derby and Parade of Lights.

They also provide manpower to the three DCSO substations in TRE, Ranchos and North County and are also available to receive dog license applications and provide clerical assistance.

"The volunteerism in Douglas County is alive and well," said Sgt. Bernadette Smith. "These “seasoned” community members found a specific need in the Sheriff’s office and they rushed to fill it. They have had a long lasting impact on the community by displaying a passion in what they do. They have a financial impact on the county by saving taxpayers’ dollars by donation of manpower hours. Sheriff Pierini was honored to issue them a pledge to their service and we are proud of their contribution to the community."

If you would like to volunteer for Citizen Patrol please pick up an application at the Sheriff’s Office, 1038 Buckeye, Minden or call Sgt. Bernadette Smith at (775) 782-9931