Batwa Pygmies being helped by locals and the Kellerman Foundation

Event Date: 
July 23, 2015 - 7:30am

Find out about the Batwa Pygmies from Uganda at the next meeting of the Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra on Thursday, July 22 at 7:30 a.m.

Dr. Scott Kellerman is in South Lake Tahoe to share information about the work he, and the Kellerman Foundation, have been doing in Uganda. Kellerman and his wife Carol have been working to empower the Batwa pygmies to break the cycle of poverty and poor health since 2001.

The Batwa became conservation refugees from the Bwindi impenetrable Forest when they were evicted from the rainforest in 1992 as it became a World Heritage Site to protect the endangered mountain gorilla.

Local Rotarians and Soroptimists have helped the Foundation create the Bwindi Community Hospital, Uganda Nursing School in Bwindi and the Batwa Development Program.

The public is invited to the meeting to learn more about the projects in Uganda and how they can help.

The meeting is from 7:30 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. at the Senior Center located at 3050 Lake Tahoe Blvd. in South Lake Tahoe.

For more information, visit Kellerman's website.