Chase a sunrise in Lake Tahoe with 100 of your friends

Event Date: 
August 29, 2015 - 4:15am

What's not to love about sunrises and sunsets in Lake Tahoe? While it is fairly easy for most to catch a sunset, very few actually get to experience a sunrise because of the early hour.

"Chasing Sunrise" is a community that understands that with each sunrise, we are given a choice to make: we can either stay in bed waiting for life to come to us or we can get up and get after it, chasing what we want.

They are inviting Lake Tahoe locals and visitors to join in on Saturday, August 29, 2015 as they climb Maggie's Peak to catch an epic sunrise over the lake. They will be meeting at 4:15 a.m. and heading up the south peak, getting in place for the 6:26 a.m. sunrise.

The hike is moderate difficulty, taking approximately 1.5 hours. It's a 1.5 mile long hike with 1,900 feet of elevation gain.
Know that we are not mountain guides or mountain experts and hold no liability for you during this hike. Please do your own research, understand the hike and the routes and make sure you are comfortable getting yourself up and down the mountain.
We will be hiking in the dark on the way up there, so bring flashlights or headlamps to light your way.
We'll all leave the parking lot together, but please know the route and research what to expect (trail conditions, weather, etc).
Move at a pace you are comfortable with and find a hiking partner to stick with at all times!
Use the hashtag #chasingsunrise and tag @chasingsunrise on Instagram. Oh, and follow us on Instagram!

Good hiking boots or shoes that are adequate for rocky/muddy conditions.
Dress warm, but in layers. You'll work up a sweat on the way up, but stopping at the top to watch sunrise can get chilly. We suggest bringing more than you think is necessary.
Bring food, snacks and coffee to enjoy and share.
Bring a pair of gloves to keep your hands toasty.
Bring an extra pair of socks. There are some muddy/watery sections and wet feet make for a miserable hike.
Bring whatever else you need to hike up and down a mountain such as Maggie's Peak (hiking poles, water, nutrition, etc).
Assess your own ability, know the route, the conditions and make sure you are adequately prepared.
Finally, remember to do your morning lunges. Not only do they help you warm up and keep you fit, but you'll be the coolest kid in the parking lot as you do them!

Do I have to sign-up? Yah, you do! We require sign-up for a few reason: 1) to get a handle on how many people are coming up, 2) so we can provide updates if necessary, and 3) to make sure that everyone understands the risks and what's involved.

Does it cost anything? Nothing. Sign up and show up ready to experience something everyone wants, but few are willing to put the work in to get!

Disclaimer: we are not mountain guides or mountain experts and hold no liability for this hike. Do your own research, understanding the hike and route and make sure you are comfortable getting up and down on your own. Your attendance in any organized event signifies that you have read and accepted the terms of our liability waiver

For more information, visit their website or ccontact Julian at 604-307-7816.