Tahoe planning agency charts clear path for regional update

By Jeff Cowan
To streamline the review and deliberation of items crucial to the Lake Tahoe Regional Plan Update, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board on Wednesday chartered a new committee to focus on update of the Plan.
The formation of this committee comes on the heels of the annual Lake Tahoe Summit where federal and state representatives urged swift completion of the plan update.

The TRPA Governing Board called for the newly formed committee to become a driving force on issues related to the regional plan and to bring greater efficiency and focus, according to the plan update committee chair and California Governor's appointee to the TRPA Board E. Clement Shute Jr.
"Following the Summit, it is clear that completing the regional plan update is a top priority for the Agency," Shute said. "The committee and the Board are committed to achieving that goal on schedule by the end of 2012."
The committee's charter states:
The responsibility of the Regional Plan Update Committee is expediting the December 2012 completion of the Regional Plan Update by:

— Facilitating the Board's understanding of the proposed amendments to the Regional Plan
— Consulting with the Board on proposals in the Regional Plan Update; identifying areas of difference and recommending resolutions
— Accepting other responsibilities assigned by the Board.

TRPA Board Chair and El Dorado County Supervisor Norma Santiago saw positive action taken by the committee during its charter meeting on Wednesday in Kings Beach, CA.
"The Committee will be able to delve deeply into the most contentious issues while keeping alive the spirit of compromise between the states and between different stakeholder groups to keep the plan update on track and on time," Santiago said.
The TRPA Board on Wednesday also finalized the charter of the Local Government Committee, which has been formed to advance collaboration on issues related to community planning and implementation of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) strategy for targeted pollutant reductions within each local government jurisdiction.
The formation of both committees is an element of the Agency's strategic focus to increase operational efficiency, streamline processes, achieve environmental gains, and better engage the community.
The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency cooperatively leads the effort to preserve, restore, and enhance the unique natural and human environment of the Lake Tahoe Region now and in the future. For additional information, call Jeff Cowen, Community Liaison at (775) 589-5278 or send an email to jcowen@trpa.org.

— Writer Jeff Cowen is Community Liaison coordinator for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.