Letter: City has failed to deliver effective VHR enforcement

Mayor Wendy David has stated that it is okay to have Vacation Home Rentals in residential neighborhoods as long as there is 'consistent' enforcement. Sorry Wendy but planning and zoning are not determined by enforcement. What has been ‘consistent' is the city's failure to deliver effective enforcement. When a neighbor calls in to complain about a problem with a VHR, a warning call goes out to the agent or owner of that VHR to warn them of the complaint. By the time the Enforcement Officer arrives the lights are out and the report reads: "Quiet on Arrival". Hence the neighbor is already disturbed but there is no citation.

Also, many realtors and VHR agents are soliciting out-of-town owners to register to vote for the upcoming election in an attempt to influence the No on Measure T vote and counter the Yes voters. This is illegal. When you sign a voter registration application it is "under penalty of perjury." Owning a second home in South Lake Tahoe does not qualify someone to vote here. If this happens, non-residents from Sacramento, Stockton, the bay area and other localities will decide not only the outcome of Measure T, but also our City Council, County Supervisor, STPUD Members, City Clerk, and any other local issues. Local voters should be making these decisions. The term for this is CARPETBAGGERS, a person perceived as an unscrupulous opportunist.

South Lake Tahoe's election is for local voters.

- Jerry Goodman
South Lake Tahoe