Virtual town hall meeting on Meyers turn restriction pilot program

Event Date: 
October 17, 2022 - 11:00am

This has been changed to 11 a.m.

MEYERS, Calif. - There will be a virtual town hall meeting regarding the South Lake Tahoe Turn Restriction Program on Monday, October 17 at 10 a.m.

For the summers of 2021 and 2022, a pilot program was in place that had right-turn restrictions from North Upper Truckee Road and Sawmill Road onto US 50 on Sundays and holidays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The restrictions are in place until October 30 with signs removed no later than November 6.

There have been safety concerns using the restrictions during the winter months when the backups and excess traffic on neighborhood surface streets impact residents. CalTrans and county transportation said some drivers would make an allowable left turn off of North Upper Truckee, proceed through the traffic circle, then head west on US50 over Echo Summit. With snow present, they were concerned about the potential for collisions.

With the Caldor Fire not giving El Dorado County transportation officials enough data to see how the program worked on holiday weekends, they brought it back for this past summer (and early fall). It was approved through a County resolution earlier this year.

During the virtual town hall, data will be discussed.

The pilot program came about due to a large number of vehicles using neighborhood streets as another highway to bypass backups on westbound U.S. Highway 50 in Meyers. The restriction on turns is for all drivers, locals included. Cell phone mapping apps will guide drivers onto side streets to avoid traffic based on Bluetooth and other data. If a street is closed or has restrictions, the apps will not send drivers onto those roads.

The plan was created by Meyers residents Tony Russo and Jeffrey Spencer. They received input from several sources including the City of Fremont, Calif. where neighborhood traffic became a nightmare during commute hours as people looked for shortcuts.

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