Douglas County transportation plan through 2040 presented at public meeting

The 2007 Douglas County Transportation Plan did not address any needs in the lake portion of the county, and the newly completed 2016 plan doesn't as well though it discusses a potential gondola from the base of Kingsbury Grade to Heavenly Mountain Resort.

The results of 2016's Douglas County Transportation Master Plan update will be presented during a public meeting on October 20 at 6:00 p.m. in the C.V.I.C. Hall.
Parsons Corporation, the organization which prepared the update, will give the presentation.

A potential gondola isn't on anyone's master plan, including Heavenly's, but the Master Plan update did look into one, which would cost an estimated $30-$35 million to install. The plan also looks into a scenario that includes the V & T Railroad extension into the Carson Valley.

The Transportation Master Plan discusses improvements to the Douglas County Transportation Network from the present until 2040 needed to maintain efficient movement of pedestrians, vehicles, and other transportation modes. The meeting will consist of a presentation on the goals of the Master Plan, findings of the update, and necessary transportation improvements. The public is invited to ask questions and make suggestions regarding the proposed update.

“The efficiency of the public transportation network is a major component to our quality of life,” said County Engineer Erik Nilssen. “We invite the public to learn about the proposed plan to the transportation network to accommodate future growth. We welcome public input, dialogue and feedback on current and future transportation issues.”

The C.V.I.C. Hall is located at 1602 Esmeralda Avenue in Minden.

The Transportation Master Plan Update will also be presented to the Regional Transportation Commission, Planning Commission, and Board of County Commissioners. Public input is welcome at any of these meetings. The public may also contact Nilssen at 775-782-9063 or with questions or to have comments included in the public record.

A draft of the update is available on the Community Development Department’s webpage at