Five Questions: Meet your neighbor Denise Haerr

We have started a new weekly feature on South Tahoe Now: Five Questions, Meet Your Neighbor. Get to know your neighbors, the every day people you see at the store, on a walk or at the library.

1. Why did you choose South Lake Tahoe as your home?

My husband, Steve, had been coming to Tahoe since he was two. Once we had a family, we began spending our summer vacations here too. After he retired, we knew we could live anywhere and South Lake Tahoe met all our criteria. AND we knew our sons would visit if we lived some place really cool.

2. What is one thing about you that not many people know?

I grow my hair for "Locks of Love". The first time I had an additional 12 inches to spare, it was on my 40th birthday. Shortly there after, I met a woman whose child had one of these amazing wigs and she had to hug me and thank me. I'm working on my third donation now, before the gray is too prevalent.

3. What is at the top of your bucket list?

It's funny, but I don't have a bucket list. I don't believe in 'saving up' wanting to do something. We are fortunate to do what we desire to do.

4. If you could trade places with anyone in the world for a day, who would that be and why?

I think it would be incredible to see how Melinda Gates lives her life. Here is a 50 year old mom of three who has cemented her dominance in philanthropy and global development, inspiring others to give. Her life is one of doing good deeds. How very cool is that?

5. If you could change anything about South Lake Tahoe, what would it be?

I think our chosen hometown has its minor flaws, but what town doesn't? I'm a 'rose colored glasses' kind of gal. So, my change would be that I would like it to be more united- GO TEAM TAHOE. We had a daily ritual, when raising our boys. No matter how bad your day was, you had to come up with three happies. I would love everyone in Tahoe to do that. What are your three happies? Find what about Tahoe makes you happy and dwell on that, vs what you would like changed.

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