robert stiles

Kudos: Bread & Broth thanks Robert Stiles

Robert Stiles, a realtor at Chase International, once again sponsored a Bread & Broth “Adopt A Day of Nourishment” and brought friends Gary and Melisse Morrison to help at his sponsorship dinner on Monday, August 1st. This was Robert’s 3rd sponsorship dinner in as many years and he has become a veteran B&B helper. Volunteering at their first B&B dinner, Gary and Melisse jumped right in and did a great job of bagging food, serving dinner and cleaning up.

Kudos: Robert Stiles hosts Bread & Broth Adopt-a-Day dinner

On Monday December 7th, Robert Stiles hosted a Bread & Broth “Adopt A Day of Nourishment” dinner and he brought Cindy Richter, Paul Windt and Janessa Howard to serve with him on his sponsor crew. Stiles and his three crew members are all local realtors serving Northern Nevada and the South Lake Tahoe area.

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