Kudos: Robert Stiles hosts Bread & Broth Adopt-a-Day dinner

On Monday December 7th, Robert Stiles hosted a Bread & Broth “Adopt A Day of Nourishment” dinner and he brought Cindy Richter, Paul Windt and Janessa Howard to serve with him on his sponsor crew. Stiles and his three crew members are all local realtors serving Northern Nevada and the South Lake Tahoe area.

Stiles has been sponsoring an annual “Adopt A Days” for the last three years and he views his sponsorship as “always a great experience contributing to the community.” As the 12/7 AAD host, Stiles and his crew saw the nutritious and well-balanced meal that was funded by the $250 AAD donation, and more importantly, experienced the really positive impact the meal has on the hungry, at risk people who attend as dinner guests for the evening.

B&B would like to thank Stiles and his crew for the outstanding job they did helping the B&B volunteers with all the many tasks that needed to be done to feed up to 100 meals. Paul Windt enjoyed the dinner experience so much that he “would like to help again.”

B&B would like to express our appreciation for the support of Stiles over the last several years as he continues to participate in B&B’s “Adopt a Day of Nourishment” program. Bread & Broad’s repeating AAD sponsors are very special because they are our on-going partners in easing hunger in Tahoe South.

Bread & Broth