Kudos: Bread & Broth thanks Robert Stiles

Robert Stiles, a realtor at Chase International, once again sponsored a Bread & Broth “Adopt A Day of Nourishment” and brought friends Gary and Melisse Morrison to help at his sponsorship dinner on Monday, August 1st. This was Robert’s 3rd sponsorship dinner in as many years and he has become a veteran B&B helper. Volunteering at their first B&B dinner, Gary and Melisse jumped right in and did a great job of bagging food, serving dinner and cleaning up.

Thanks to AAD sponsors like Robert, Bread & Broth provides hot, nutritious meals every Monday at St. Theresa Grace Hall from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. to everyone who comes to our door. The Monday evening dinner guests in many cases are regulars who attend on a weekly basis or may be folks who are in a pinch and just drop in once to get a good meal while getting back on their feet. Whether a regular or a onetime drop in, the dinner guests are gracious and thankful. “It was a pleasure to see and hear the appreciation from the people attending the dinner,” said Gary.

The sponsors and their crews that come to help the B&B volunteers are key to putting the evening dinners on and their presence at every Monday evening meal is very much appreciated. “It was fun to help and our B&B lead, Gail Clair, was so nice and really helped with all the setup,” added Gary. When B&B partners with our generous sponsors, everyone wins. But the biggest winners are those who are struggling with hunger who depend on the meals provided by B&B and our wonderful sponsors.

For more B&B information, contact Carol at (530) 542-2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

- “Bread & Broth”