
Soroptimist Writing Festival winners

Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra recently honored 12 South Tahoe Middle School (STMS) students for their winning Writing Festival essays. Each year the members of the club collaborate with the Language Arts teachers at STMS to provide an opportunity for students to express themselves.

Winning essays are selected from each grade level. First place and first place honors winners each won a $75 cash award, second place $50 and third place $25.

Soroptimists awards South Lake Tahoe women

An annual joint collaboration between the Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra and the Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe Clubs recognizes women in the community with cash awards in three different categories. The award presentations are always in March, to align with the country’s Women’s History Month which highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society.

Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra wants groups to apply for their grants

Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra (SITS) is pleased to announce their 2015 Grant Cycle. Soroptimist is a coined term meaning “Best for Women”.

The mission statement of the Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra is to “Strengthen and enhance the lives of women and youth in our community and the world”. With our established mission in mind, we focus on supporting programs at our local level based on the specific needs of our community. In addition, our club is mindful of the need to enhance the lives of women and youth throughout the world.

Soroptimists honor local women serving in the military

"We made sacrifices to keep the fight outside of our homes." An emotional Sheryll Valencia spoke of why she joined the Army in 2004 and made three deployments to Iraq and now works for David & Johnson, Ltd in South Lake Tahoe. "It's important to always remember the ones who sacrificed their lives," Sheryll told the women gathered for Thursday's Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra meeting.

Soroptimists awarding deserving young women in South Lake Tahoe

Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra and Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe are accepting applications for the VIOLET RICHARDSON AWARD.

Each year the two local Soroptimist clubs honor young women in our community ages 14-17 who are engaged in volunteer deeds such as fighting drugs, crime and violence; cleaning up the environment; or working to end discrimination or poverty.

Each recipient will receive $100.

South Lake Tahoe Soroptimists looking for "Live Your Dream Award" applicants

Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra and Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe are once again collaborating to honor two women in our community with the LIVE YOUR DREAM award. Eligible applicants must be women who provide the primary financial support for their families, and are attending an undergraduate degree program or a vocational skills training program.

Soroptimists giving away $25,000 in grants to local non-profits

South Lake Tahoe area non-profits will be receiving $25,000 in grants from the Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe Foundation (SISLT).

SISLT has invited local tax-exempt, nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations to apply for grant funding for Community Service projects and programs.

Local students benefit from Soroptimist's Backpack Attack

Some South Lake Tahoe students in grades K-12 will be going to school on Monday with a backpack full of supplies filled up and donated by Soroptimist International of Tahoe Sierra.

Every year the group launches "Backpack Attack" to ensure students in need will have a new backpack and school supplies. JANSPORT donated 50 backpacks this year, and club members donated the items to go inside.

The backpacks are going to the families of clients at Live Violence Free.

Tahoe Bike Challenge Starts on Saturday

Join hundreds of your friends, neighbors, co-workers during the 2014 Tahoe Bike Challenge, an annual event that encourages Lake Tahoe residents to get out of their cars and onto bikes.

The event starts off on Saturday with a Bike Trail Clean Up Day. Anyone can join them at three locations after signing up,and lunch is even included. Meet at Sierra Nevada Alliance at 2311 Lake Tahoe Blvd, Los Angeles and Hwy 50 by the fire station or behind Clean Tahoe, 2074 Lake Tahoe Blvd. Lunch will be served after the clean up day at the League to Save Lake Tahoe.

W'intermezzo at Edgewood Tahoe Classical Concert & Artist Reception

Event Date: 
February 20, 2014 - 6:00pm

A unique and intimate evening of classical music, wine and appetizers is planned for Thursday, February 20, at Edgewood Tahoe. Accomplished classical pianist Deborah Dewey returns this year for a solo performance preceded by an artist's reception beginning at 6 PM. The program will include selections from Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Aaberg & others. Tickets.

A Time of Giving: The South Lake Tahoe Community Helps Others Through Christmas Cheer

You've most likely seen the bins around town, covered in wrapping paper and notes asking for toy donations for Christmas Cheer. The call for toys being needed for children in the South Lake Tahoe community went out, and the community responded.

Inaugural Lake Tahoe Color Themed 5k Run a "Blast"

Bursts of color surrounded the over 100 runners as they participated in the inaugural Tahoe Youth and Family Service's Color Blast Run on Saturday, September 14. The 5k course meandered through the Lake Tahoe Community College parking lot, streets and bike paths. The race name comes from colored cornstarch that is doused over the runners and they pass by strategically placed stations along the course. Once the runners came across the finish line there was a celebration of dancing and lots more color being tossed.

Kudos & Kindness: Soroptimists made empowerment camp possible

Live Violence Free, formerly the South Lake Tahoe Women's Center, would like to extend a thank you to Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe for enabling us to conduct the first annual Girls...

Soroptimists looking for designer of next wine poster

Transportation and the Economy Kicks Off Tahoe Regional Young Professionals

Tahoe Regional Young Professionals’ development and education speaker series kicks off, March 15, from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Lake Tahoe Airport’s Flight Deck Restaurant and Bar with Alfred Knotts, principal planner/project manager for the Tahoe Transportation District.

Soroptimists plan to give more money to big ideas

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe is making significant changes to its Community Service Grants Program in 2012. Rather than funding many smaller projects as ...

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