Barton Health's diabetes education class

Get back on track with Barton Health's diabetes education class "Diabetes 101" on Thursday, March 8 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Barton University, located at 1113 Emerald Bay Road, #1, South Lake Tahoe. Registered dietitian, Jen Trew, will discuss healthy eating and diabetic diet planning basics. She'll also provide basic knowledge about diabetes and the role of different macronutrients and blood sugar control. Lab glucose goals, HgBA1C, lipids and blood pressure also will be discussed.
Other topics will include target glucose levels, learn how much protein is recommended daily and all about healthy and unhealthy dietary fats.
This is the first of a four-class-series. The March 8 class is FREE. Dates, registration fees and locations of future classes are yet to be determined. To register for this free "Diabetes 101" class on March 8, please call Lynn Norton, R.D. at (530) 543-5824 or e-mail at


Barton University
1113 Emerald Bay Road, #1
South Lake Tahoe, CA