Skibum: Five predictions for the new year

While tragic in nature as to what happened at the Globe event ( I can actually relate to what the parents are going through having lost one of my own) the lawsuits will likely begin. Doesn’t matter who, if anyone, is at fault you can bet there'll probably be one.

I recently got denied for a CCW (carry concealed weapon) permit based on the loose affiliation I have with certain perceived criminals and no it is not the City Council but friends I have had for over 30 years. I spent 21 years in the military, have a clean record and could teach the gun safety and shooting class to anyone but based on verbal accusations by local law enforcement I am denied. Oh well, at least all those years of playing softball up here taught me how to use a bat properly, safely and to hit what I aim at.

Nevada Fire Safe Council finally went bankrupt and now our money owed is in the hands of the trustees and BK courts which means I should get paid around the time Social Security kicks in. Sad thing about this whole affair is that now the govt is starting to hand out grants for fire safety and cleanups without paying for the first round. Must be good to be King. With a new year comes new resolutions and predictions and I am no different than anyone else as to predictions.

I have no resolutions because I like the way I do things and am happy with myself and do not really want to change anything or could if I tried anyway. I do have predictions (I will limit to 5) though and I have to call them predictions or WAG (wild ass guess) as I never finished college and never got a degree to call it a theory.

1. Loop road will go through.
I feel we need to do something to promote this town but the focus should be towards the Y. You do realize that when the Loop Road becomes the new US 50 that the old 50 will be Business 50 and everyone will start to take Pioneer Trail in Meyers to avoid all the signal lights, traffic South Shore in general. Try going to Google maps and get directions from Sacramento to Stateline it will tell you to turn at Pioneer Trail.

2. Business taxes will rise again to help cover the deficit for everyone but Heavenly which if was taxed could solve the problem alone.

3. More parking meters.

4. The 1 percent will push the other 99 percent off the fiscal cliff to give a nice cushion to land on.

5. I am positive that the negativity in this country will get better.

Will be kinda interesting as to who will be appointed to the council now that there are going to be applications. I would love for someone from the county to try as according to all the paperwork we get and the US Postal service we live in South Lake Tahoe.

Of course you realize that whomever they appoint the council will be as dysfunctional and continue to allow themselves to be run by outside interests. One of the folks in the running should let it be known that she can’t vote on anything involving the Loop Road as she is a property owner in the affected area and in the past other council members have recused themselves from getting involved with voting on items that show conflict.

I also find it interesting that all (elected only) the council members, Clerk and Treasurer must live in the city yet the most powerful official, City Manager, does not. I do believe it kinda makes it hard to look out for the best interest of the city when there is no stake in it other than a job.

County residents have no official say in city politics. Here is my take on what is going to happen on Jan 29, 2013 when the council will decide who is going to fill the vacant seat. It will be a 2 to 2 vote and they will wash their hands without making a decision and let it go to a vote. Mr. Grego will get 2 votes and Kathay will get 2 votes. It should be only 2 applicants as Kathay will not be able to vote on the Loop Road and this is the most important item we have had to face in years and years to come.

Start the new year by going to and checking out our Local talented musicians music album featuring “Powder Day.” Tom is a long time local and Face Rat and the song is appropriate for all the pow we have been having.

Been getting a lot of days at Sierra-At-Tahoe and I got to tell ya their employees really make all the difference. Not trying to kiss a little A here as I pay for everything in full up there but they really do an outstanding job and the conditions are some of the best I have seen in years. I am still a Face Rat but I have only missed about 3 days at Sierra since they opened.

Later. Skibum.