City Council agenda: Wireless and broadband, roads, Loop Road and parking

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - City Council will receive a presentation about broadband and wireless communications infrastructure in South Lake Tahoe during their meeting on Tuesday, April 2. The presentation will be from representatives with AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and a communications expert.

The meeting, which starts at 9:00 a.m. in Council Chambers at the airport, will have the following items up for discussion and vote:

Expansion of paid parking in the Heavenly Village area. During the public meeting on the proposed expansion on Bellamy Court and Heavenly Village Way, most comments were positive about more parking but there was concern over the 10 proposed additional parking spots along Heavenly Village Way. Council will vote on 47 additional paid parking spaces along the Bellamy Court, something not against code as the area is already approved for paid parking. If approved, construction of the parking spaces with existing kiosks would be completed by fall 2019 or spring 2020.

2019 Street Rehabilitation Program - Public Works staff will outline a planned 2019 Street Rehabilitation Program. The recommended 2019 program includes a grand total of approximately 2.4 miles of street reconstruction - approximately 1.8 miles of residential streets in the Gardner Mountain neighborhood and an additional 0.6 mile as part of the Sierra Boulevard complete street project. The total funding allocated for the 2019 program is nearly $3.6 million, which is a combination of $1.95 million recently appropriated by Council specifically for street improvements, an additional $365,000 of State funding, and approximately $1.25 million of grant funding associated with the larger Sierra Boulevard project. The Gardner Mountain neighborhood, overall, has the lowest average pavement condition index score of all City neighborhoods.

City Council will consider a formal resolution to establish a policy regarding City
funding for the US 50 South Shore Community Revitalization Project. If approved, the City would not commit any general City revenues that would otherwise be available for core services (Police, Fire, street maintenance, snow removal) toward the Project. The resolution does permit the City to pursue, allocate, and invest non-general revenues in the project, including Federal and State funding, grant funding, and/or any revenues derived solely from Project elements or the Project

The meeting can be seen on the City's Facebook page, Channel 21, or here: