Thieves use bolt cutters in two high-end bike thefts in South Lake Tahoe

There were two high-end bike thefts in South Lake Tahoe city limits this week and the Police Department is issuing a warning.

One bike, a Kona ManoMano, was stolen off the back of a Tahoe Youth and Family Services board member's car as he attended an afternoon meeting at the agency's office on Fremont Avenue. His bike is described as a 27 speed Kona ManoMano, white in color with black printing. A witness saw a man walking by the parking lot with bolt cutters at approximately 4:20 p.m. on Monday, March 30. In a matter of moments the perpetrator was riding off on the bike.

The other stolen bike was also on the back of a vehicle parking in a public parking lot, but this time is was stolen after dark. It's make and model is unknown at this time.

At this time, it is unknown if the suspect(s) in each case are the same, however each of the victims had smaller, thinner bicycle locks securing the bikes to the racks. The suspect(s) in these cases were able to easily cut through the cables and steal the bikes.

As we are coming into spring and summer seasons, the South Lake Tahoe Police Department is reminding everyone to use a heaver grade lock to secure their bikes whenever left unattended and to make sure their bikes are locked at all times when left unattended.

Best Tips for Theft Prevention
· Always lock your bike’s frame and wheels with a high-quality, modern U-lock (with a disc/flat key)
· Remove all detachable items like lights, bags and quick release parts and take them with you
· Lock to a bike rack, or firmly affixed (bolts covered in concrete) parking meter or sign pole – these are the most secure places
· See images below for locking depictions.
· Record your bike’s serial number. Take a photo of you and your unlocked bike. Keep the receipt. All will help you identify the bike.
· Always lock your bike, even if you’re just leaving it for a moment
· Always lock through the frame and a wheel. Add a cable, cable lock, or second U-lock to lock the second wheel. See diagrams
· Buy the most expensive lock you can afford. U-locks are strong and better ones come with theft warranties. Only buy a U-lock with a flat or disc key. Cylindrical keyed locks are more easily picked. See diagram about keys to the right.
· Beware of locking to “sucker poles” that are loosely bolted down and can easily be removed.
· Avoid locking to private property. Store your bike inside if space is available.
· Lock your bike when keeping it in a garage or on a porch.
· Learn about the lock manufacturer’s warranty and product replacement policy.